

Counseling resources for counselors and practitioners who want to apply the latest positive psychology strategies or ready-to-apply tools.

Divorce counseling

Divorce Counseling & Therapy: Best Worksheets & Techniques

Couples often attend relationship counseling when they are trying to save their marriage. If they can’t fix the relationship, or one or both partners have [...]

Counseling forms

20 Useful Counseling Forms & Templates for Your Practice

Counseling has many definitions and approaches, but most recognize the significance of the therapeutic relationship (Nelson-Jones, 2014). Part of this relationship includes building an appropriate [...]

Counseling courses

25 Best Counseling Courses, Degrees, and Online Programs

Decisions, decisions! Navigating the waters to become a counselor can be murky. Deciding which counseling course to take is like sailing a ship in the [...]

Mindfulness in therapy

Mindfulness in Counseling: 8 Best Techniques & Interventions

In the last few decades, there has been a growing interest in mindfulness among health care professionals. The importance of mindfulness in the healing process [...]

Counseling techniques

22 Best Counseling Techniques & Tools of All Time (+PDF)

Counseling can be incredibly helpful for individuals seeking to overcome troublesome problems or figuring out how to live according to their values and long-term goals [...]

Motivation Counseling

Motivation in Counseling: 9 Steps to Engage Your Clients

Client motivation is crucial to a successful outcome in counseling and heavily influenced by an underlying perception of autonomy (Ryan et al., 2010). While many [...]

School counselor resources

School Counselor Resources: Best Techniques & Questions

School counselors play a vital role in the welfare of children and the operation of schools, building effective and impactful practices based on lasting trust [...]

How to become a counselor

How to Become a Counselor: 14 Courses & Online Options

You want to help others achieve their goals and become the best version of themselves. You’re committed to working with clients to negotiate changes and [...]

Career counseling sessions

Career Counseling Resources: 10 Techniques for Your Sessions

Throughout our lives, we are likely to be troubled with questions or experience self-doubt regarding career choices and what to do next. We may turn [...]

Self-disclosure in counseling

Self-Disclosure in Therapy and Counseling: 7 Examples

Sharing personal information with a client during treatment can be helpful or harmful. Self-disclosure is a choice, and its outcome is moderated by the mental [...]